How is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) shaping our human experience? Kimberly Nevala ponders the reality of AI - for better and worse - with a diverse group of innovators, advocates and data scientists.

Latest Episodes

Auditing AI with Ryan Carrier

Ryan Carrier trues up the benefits and costs of responsible AI while debunking misleading narratives and underscoring the positive power of the consumer collective.  R...

Ethical by Design with Olivia Gambelin

Olivia Gambelin values ethical innovation, revels in human creativity and curiosity, and advocates for AI systems that reflect and enable human values and objectives. ...

The Nature of Learning with Helen Beetham

Helen Beetham isn’t waiting for an AI upgrade as she considers what higher education is for, why learning is ostensibly ripe for AI, and how to diversify our course.  ...

Ethics for Engineers with Steven Kelts

Steven Kelts engages engineers in ethical choice, enlivens training with role-playing, exposes organizational hazards and separates moral qualms from a duty to care. S...

Righting AI with Susie Alegre

Susie Alegre makes the case for prioritizing human rights and connection, taking AI systems to account, minding the right gaps, and resisting unwitting AI dependency. ...

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